Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Another Year of Homeschool Begins

We've started another year of homeschooling. 

Avril is in 10th grade. 

Adele's in 7th. 

After more than a decade of being part of Classical Conversations, we aren't doing that this year for a multitude of reasons, but the girls are using most of the same books they would have been using if we had remained in CC's Challenge 2 and Challenge B.

Since I graduated an older daughter out of high school with Classical Conversations Challenge 4 a few years ago, I already own every single book Classical Conversations uses, almost every book I could need/ want to homeschool every subject through 12th grade. So far, I find that I still like most of the resources, so I feel no need to alter my curriculum or plans much (at least not this year) even though I am free to do that now. 

But being on our own schedule (and not having all the added responsibilities that directing a program put on my plate) means that we have been free to add more to our plan than we have ever felt comfortable doing before. 

For instance, after Avril finished reading Beowulf and instead of moving on to the next book on the schedule, we took time to listen to the book aloud again and listen to several hours worth of lectures about Beowulf by Angelina Stanford from House of Humane Letters every afternoon for a week while sipping tea. 

We are still involved with another local homeschool co-op that does not mandate so such or take as much time to manage. 

I help administrate and I teach one literature class. 

This semester at co-op, the girls are taking classes including pottery, Shakespeare's Skits, crochet, photography, art. 

The girls are still taking piano and practicing guitar. They are both helping with the youth worship teams at church. 

They are also in a few art classes online with Delightful Art Co., including a college dual enrollment class for Avril, which is a big first for her! 

This is my fifteenth year of homeschooling!

The years are flying by! 

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