
Showing posts from September, 2024

Library Book Sale

It's an annual tradition we have kept, since I can't remember when.  We attend the library book sale.  Some years, we go everyday, since there are so many books, you could go every day and still not see them all or be bored.  Some years, we even go so far as to volunteer several hours and help with set-up, so that we can get buy books early, a perk for volunteers who give their time and energy to help.  This year, we only went on the last day, when you can fill a box of books for $10.  Over the years, we have found that the books we like don't tend to get taken earlier in the week. Or maybe we have such eclectic tastes that we can still manage to find what we think are downright amazing books, even on the final day of the sale when everything has been picked over.  Either way, we weren't afraid of missing out by waiting until the end.  For instance, first book a picked up was a book of essays by Wendell Berry that I haven't read yet.  The last book I picked up was a

Graduate School

I have started graduate school for Classical and Liberal Education at Belmont Abbey. This semester, I'm taking a class on Grammar, so I'm reading several works by Aristotle and The Trivium by Sister Miriam Jospeh as a companion. Aristotle is, by far, the hardest thing I've ever read, but  as difficult as it is, I'm already having the time of my life!