Saturday, July 13, 2024

Chicken Croquettes

We had chicken croquettes when we were at Shadymaple Smorgasboard in PA. 

I had never tasted anything so good.

Dwayne grew up eating chicken croquettes, apparently, but somehow, failed to ever mention them to me... 

Note: Even the most outstanding Christian spouse can let you down. 

I resolved to learn to make them. 

First, I researched recipes online. 

Next, I realized I'd probably have to fry them to get them right. 

I don't fry as a rule. 

I always thought, "I'm fat enough even without frying... Can you imagine what frying will do to me?" 

Nevertheless, I decided to fry these. 

And I served them with mashed potatoes and chicken gravy just as they are traditionally served. 

I also served some vegetable I can't remember to give a passing nod to healthy; I think it was steamed green beans.

My family hasn't responded that well to a meal in years. 

Sounds of delight as they chewed 

Two thumbs up all around the table

My children rose up and blessed me

My husband also saying, "Honey! This is amazing!"

And there were no left-overs 


I feel like I'm at a crossroads here...

Two roads diverge in a wood

Fried foods are unhealthy, but I have longed for my family to enjoy the meals I make as much they enjoyed these fried chicken croquettes...

I think I will have to take the fried road 

At least as far as chicken croquettes go.

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