Saturday, December 30, 2023

Hadestown with Norah

    Norah got to see Hadestown last year in Nashville when someone gifted her college tickets to share with all their students. 

After that, she insisted I download the album, listen, and that I go see it someday. 

So I listened to half the album, but left the second half to be a surprise. 

And I gifted Norah tickets to Hadestown (NYC) this Christmas. 

We went together today. 

It may be my favorite Broadway musical now, even topping Phantom. 

I see Christ in Orpheus. Norah does, too, and it's why she loves this musical so much. 

But I see Christ in every hero, or perhaps I see every hero by Christ inside me. 

But the picture of Christ was so clear at times during the show, I wonder how anyone could miss it. 

As I was listening to "Wait For Me!" time seemed to go back thousands of years and forward until the end of time and stand still all at once. 

It was as if Christ was singing that same song to every soul held captive in Hell before His death and resurrection.

Then, as the chorus repeated a second time, if felt more personal, like Christ was promising me that He will do/has done all that is required to perfect my salvation. 

But later, as Eurydice begins to sing the chorus with Orpheus and she starts following him out of Hell, I realized I have been, am, and I will be signing that song to Christ for the rest of my life. 

I am following Christ with the same faith Euridice had for her unseen Orpheus. 

The difference is that Christ is the Orpheus who won, and Christianity is the myth that came True. 

I just marvel at the Greeks and the the little-t trueness of their mythos. 

And I just marvel at my Christ, who fulfills every nations desire, and loves every soul with a particularity that makes each of us Eurydice. 


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