Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Summer Cleaning, Reorganizing, and Leisure

I have been directing Challenge A for my community the last six weeks of this year. Today was the first day following my last day directing Challenge A, so after starting the day with prayer and reading Scripture and the other books I'm currently reading: The Knowledge of the Holy and Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?, I started another new puzzle, this one 2000 pieces, as I listened to Professor Carol's lecture on Don Giovanni. 

After that, I started deep-cleaning my classroom and school supplies while listening to several new-to-me podcasts on Classical Education. I purged old papers, preserved the girls' artwork and school projects in storage boxes, reorganized supplies, files, and bookshelves all over the house, and thoroughly cleaned out and reorganized my classroom closet. I worked all day, my feet are aching, but I am satisfied with all I've accomplished. 

As I type this, I'm listening to a lecture on Art History from Delightful Art Co. 

As I worked all day, the girls did their regular chores, helped me with the work I was doing as often as needed, played board games, practiced piano, watched math videos, completed pages in their math books, read silently for hours, and worked on more Smashbook pages. Now they are upstairs enjoying time in their rooms. 

Today, I also printed Fly Lady's deep cleaning lists for each room of my house in preparation for the coming days and weeks. I usually only have time to keep up with regular housework, maybe deep-cleaning one room a month throughout the school year. So I'd like to deep-clean the entire house this summer break. 

I'll do some more of the puzzle tonight as I listen to an audio book. Summer is such a lovely mixture of work and leisure! I already feel reset, refreshed, and revived. 

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