Monday, December 12, 2022

Winter Break Begins (But Not Really)

Adele and I had our last week of Foundations and Essentials last week, so our winter break has begun. 

But it was a remarkably busy week and weekend, so we haven't felt much rest yet. 

Avril has her last day of her first semester of Challenge B tomorrow and thankfully, most of her work is already done. 

After that, her break begins. 

But we have a remarkably busy week ahead. 

We have a playdate with friends tomorrow, 

and youth group tomorrow night, 

and a Christmas play to attend with our homeschool group Wednesday, 

and appointments, 

and practice for Christmas program Wednesday night, 

and Christmas parties later in the week, 

and shopping and wrapping and gifting and mailing to do, 

along with the regular piano and art lessons. 

So I'm not sure how restful this first "break" week will actually be. 

I think we'll still put out a puzzle and listen to an audio book in the moments in between activities. 

Norah arrives home from college Saturday, Lord willing. 

We're all looking forward to greeting her at the airport. 

And really, that's the thing we're looking forward to the most. 

That's probably when it will truly begin to feel like Christmas for us all. 

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