Thursday, October 13, 2022

Daily Wonders

We love our home in the woods. 

We don't have to go far to see something wonderful at least once a day; We need only go to the closest window and peer out. 

Two female deer have been coming by to graze on our native woodland plants. 

The other day, we managed to get the photo above before she moved on. 

Today, we saw two large woodpeckers hopping and eating insects in our yard just like robins hunt for worms. 

The wonders never cease, and we are thankful and don't take this home for granted. 

Before we moved here, I had a spiritual dream of a home that brought me great joy as I looked out its windows into a wood; I knew it was a promise about this house. 

And though it was a brief vision, it was certainly a prophetic of the realities I experience here day after day. 

Seeing the daily wonders brings the joy and the joy reminds me of the dream and remembering the dream builds my faith and brings even more wonder. 

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