Saturday, July 9, 2022

Josh Gibbs Conference

I have been enjoying the content of Josh Gibbs's recent online conference

I have had the privilege of hearing Gibbs speak live at a few Circe National Conferences, and there, I have always enjoyed his presentations the most. 

Josh Gibbs obviously puts a lot of work into thinking deeply and organizing and then delivering his ideas. His work is always precise and polished. 

The topics he speaks on are particularly relevant to me as a Classical, Christian educator. Albeit, I'm a homeschooler/ part-time parent-tutor at our co-op, and not a professional teacher at a full-time private school, but his insights are practical and keen nevertheless.

I often find myself laughing out loud at some well-worded critique or well-timed jab, even when the jest or criticism actually hits quite close to home and makes me uncomfortable. 

I find that I only benefit from reading and hearing a number of voices as I grow as a Classical educator and a Christian.

And as a lover of essay as a form, I admire and appreciate Gibbs's work.


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