Monday, May 16, 2022

Curriculum Sale Score!

I got some awesome books at the co-op curriculum sale. 

Adele has been begging for a new handwriting book, but she just finished one, it's the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation, so I wasn't highly motivated to purchase a new book yet. 

But when I saw all the Draw Write Now books for sale at the co-op curriculum sale, I jumped on them. 

These are not my favorite handwriting curriculum, because these books do not show students how to form each letter, etc. 

But Adele #1. already knows how to form letters in print and in cursive from using other handwriting programs #2. just needs a program that will allow her to review her letters #3 really wants to do handwriting #4. loves to draw and color #5. can use these all summer for fun. 

So these books will work as a perfect solution for our needs right now. I'll likely purchase another handwriting book when the school year begins. 

I also picked up a set of the Charlotte Mason books! 

I have these books on Kindle and have been reading them for years, but I had been thinking how much I wanted to purchase them in print, so the timing was providential. 

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