Thursday, February 17, 2022

Adding Refutation

Today, my seventh grader added the refutation section to her outline for the first time. 

I asked her to step me through her thought-process and the argument she was forming up about "Whether Brother Luke should help Robin."

Here's what she said:

"...Some people think Brother Luke should not risk his life to go help Robin. Brother Luke could be infected by the plague himself. Then he could infect others. But he's a Christian, so he doesn't value earthly things or fear sickness or even death. He knows he will go to Heaven when he dies."

Some people think Brother Luke should not risk his life to go help Robin, because his life is far more important than Robin's. But that's invalid, because even though Brother Luke may know more, or pray more, or read the Bible more than Robin does, God wants mature Christians to be kind and selfless.

...This matters to Christians today, because we are faced with a similar situation and decisions because of Covid."  

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