Saturday, February 26, 2022

A Verse

My youngest came up to me and said, "I wrote a verse," and quietly handed this to me. 

I was stunned. 

As her homeschool mom, I know:

She's been using how-to-draw books and sketch pads to learn how to shade. 

She's seen me learning how to letter, and she's asked to read my lettering book. 

She's been reading her Bibles more.

She has an illustrated Bible that she loves, and she also has a Bible with coloring pages that she uses on Sunday mornings. 

Both these Bibles are bringing her to and into the Word more for herself and they are fostering a growing Biblical literacy in her. 

She has also been hearing hymns at church and learning hymns on the piano. 

She also reads more poems now. We all do. 

And of course, we read lots of stories silently and aloud. 

Even the writing program I use with her teaches alliteration... 

I see evidences of all those good things here. 

As a parent, you can tell whether your children's soul is well by the things they do and say and make. 

I give glory to God for this small but powerful verse, the overflow of a healthy heart, mind, and soul. 

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