Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Epistles in English and Latin

I am reading the Epistles this year in my devotional time. 

I have started reading one chapter of an Epistle from my Bible each morning then reading the same chapter in my Vulgate. 

I usually choose one verse to copy in English. It is a way to track my progress through Scripture. It is also a way to record the words that the Lord has used to encourage me, convict me, or give me insight. 

I do the same thing in Latin now, too. If a verse in Latin strikes my interest or captures my imagination or is arranged really beautifully, I'll copy it down in another journal just for Latin verses and notes. 

In the case of the verse above, I have always liked the metaphor "jars of clay" or "earthen vessels." That was an idea that captured my imagination when I was a young Christian over twenty years ago, but I particularly like the Latin version of this verse now, since there were so many familiar English roots. 

Reading the Scriptures in Latin makes them new again. Words that usually just wash over me, since I have read them so much that I can quote them in English, now pop in Latin, and I have an opportunity to see them anew and contemplate them afresh. 

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