Saturday, January 22, 2022

Science Fair Cont.

The final stages of my daughter's Science Fair project are coming together now. 

Last night, we sat together and made a checklist of all the specific, little things left "to-do" between now and the actual Science Fair. 

The list included things like "Label the pages in your Lab Journal" and "Make your Table of Contents in your Lab Journal" and "Make notes cards for your presentation" and "Plan your outfit."

That way, she will have some guidance for working independently as much as possible, and she won't depend on me for every step that's left in the process. 

Science Fair may require a lot of support from Mom or Dad, because they've never done this before, but finding ways (like this checklist) to put an appropriate amount of responsibility back on the student is important. 

My daughter has ideas for at least three different directions that she wants to take off this finished experiment. She wants to change different variables and see what happens, etc. As we near the end of the project, she actually wants to keep going, instead of just being so glad it's over. 

She's done a great job.

But what about me, as a homeschooling Mom?

How did I do leading another kid through Science Fair?

I am calling the fact that my daughter wants to keep tweaking her experiment a "win" and I'm officially giving myself a "passing grade."

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