Sunday, January 16, 2022

Our Christmas Book 2021

I keep a Christmas scrapbook, of sorts. 

But I've simplified this scrapbook to the point that it's almost embarrassing. 

Step #1. I take pictures throughout December. 

Step #2. I upload the pictures to Shutterfly and make a collage with them.  

Step #3. I wait for the collage to come in the mail, then I label the back of the collage with the year (2021, etc.) and slide it into the clear scrapbook page along with that year's Christmas lists and other keepsakes like handmade cards or drawings my daughters make for me or each other.  

And that's it!

Note: It's not fancy, but it works really well for me, since I have no time or inclination to be more creative. 

And honestly, this scrapbook, simple as it is, still manages to be a real a family treasure. 

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