Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve 2021

On Christmas Eve, we worked together to make batches of no-bake coco cookies and Rolo turtle candies after breakfast. 

We attended a Christmas Eve service at our church that afternoon. 

We enjoyed Several hours of relaxing reading.

Late in the afternoon, we packaged up the cookies and candies for our neighbors.
Then the girls got their their shoes and coats on so they could take the gifts over, but the door bell rang! Our neighbors were already at the door with gifts for us! 

We all shared a laugh and exchanged gifts right on our doorstep. Our neighbors are such a blessing! 

After dinner, we did our Advent readings. 

We've had the same Advent traditions since our oldest was a baby. Here's a picture of her toddling towards the tree to hang one of the Advent ornaments. 

For fun, she restaged the same photo below. 

We have another tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve- new pajamas! Dwayne and I made the dough for homemade cinnamon rolls in the morning. 

Then we all went to bed with our books, reading until we nodded off to awake to the best morning of the year! 

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