Friday, December 31, 2021

Coloring Bibles

My youngest daughters got coloring Bible for Christmas. Tonight I found them in front of the fire coloring together. I gave thanks for that moment.  

Thursday, December 30, 2021

How to Draw Books and Sketchpads

She asked for "how to draw books" and "sketchpads" for Christmas. I came through the living room and saw this. It's a moment that made me smile. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Small Moss

 ...the extra ordinary beauty of a small moss in fructification irresistibly caught my eye... though the plant was not larger than the top of my fingers, I could not contemplate the delicate conformation of its roots, leaves, and capsule without admiration. Can the Being, thought I, who planted, watered, and brought to perfection, in the obscure part of the world, a thing which appears of so small importance, look with unconcern upon the situation and sufferings of creatures formed after His own image? Surely not! 

-Mungo Park as quoted in Ourselves by Charlotte Mason

The Hobbit

My youngest got The Hobbit (the graphic novel) for Christmas and she's reading it. 

Tonight, she painted a hobbit door on a small canvas. 

Note: She also got several of these small canvases for Christmas. 

I often give my daughters illustrated or easier versions of novels, Shakespeare's plays, Greek myths, etc. before they are assigned the actual plays, myths, or books for school. 

I often read these kids' versions, too, before reading the grown-up plays or myths! 

In my experience, an easier, illustrated version allows people to grow familiar with the characters and plots, fall in love with the stories, and talk to their older siblings about them. 

Sometimes immediately, but always eventually, my girls also read the actual books.  

"I am of Mason"

For when one says, "I am of Mason," and another, "I am of Wilson," are you not mere men?

What then is Mason?

And what is Wilson?

Servants through whom you learned, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one...

I read Bauer first, then Mason, then Bortins... 

but God was the one equipping me and growing my children. 

According to the grace of God which was given to us, 

we have raised our children in the Lord...

So let no one boast in female educators or male educators. 

For all things belong to you, Christian homeschooling mother, 

whether Mason or Wilson or Bauer or Bortins...

all things belong to you, 

and you belong to Christ, 

and Christ belongs to God. 


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Mere Christianity

In plain language, the question should never be, "Do I like that kind of service?" but "Are these doctrines true: Is holiness here? Does my conscience move me towards this? Is my reluctance to knock at this door my pride, or my mere taste, or my personal dislike of this particular doorkeeper?" ...And above all you must be asking which door is the true one; not which pleases you best... -from the Preface of Mere Christianity

Monday, December 27, 2021

Habits/ Goals for 2022

This is a humble list with some very, very basic daily goals. 

But in many ways, I find myself having to "start over" in 2022. 

The verse that keeps coming to mind as I think about making my goals for 2022 is: 

"Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." 

1. Track my calories-

When I was healthiest, I was tracking my calories with MyFitnessPal daily.  This simple habit forces me to be aware of and accountable for everything that goes in my body. Naturally, when I am diligently tracking what I eat, I tend to make better choices, eat more healthy foods, and less unhealthy foods. From previous experience, I know this is the one habit that will make the most difference in my health in 2022. 

2. Take my vitamins- 

Even though my vitamins are right out in plain sight on the kitchen counter, I forget to take them at least a few days a week.  My plan is to take them after my first cup of coffee but before my second. Taking my vitamins daily will ensure I'm getting the nutrition I need to recover from recent illnesses, shed excess fat, gain muscle, etc.  

3. Do my exercises/ stretches- 

I have had plantar fasciitis for a few years. I have exercises and stretches to do everyday. They are simple exercises, but also easy to ignore, put off, and then forget entirely until my feet hurt again. This is another thing I forget to do a few days each week, but when I am faithful, my feet feel better. 

4. 100 Bodypumps- 

I've recovered from Lyme disease and I am able to exercise again. I don't have the strength and endurance I once had, but I think I can make it through 100 Bodypump workouts this year. I used to teach these classes before Covid, Lyme disease, plantar fasciitis, etc., so I own several hours of these workouts and I have equipment and space to exercise in my basement. Homeschooling my three daughters at the levels where they are right now, I don't have time to go to the gym, but I believe I can get downstairs for workouts a few times each week. 

5. 100 Walks- 

I'm not able to do the intense cardio I used to, but on days when I am not doing Bodypump, I think I can walk on my treadmill or outside. Unfortunately, I'll probably never have the courage to walk in the woods again like I used to. Since having Lyme disease from a tick bite after a hike in the woods, I can't imagine feeling the freedom to hike through the woods like I used to. I plan to listen to audio books or podcasts while I walk on the treadmill, so that should make it more enjoyable.   

6. 100 books- 

I'm an avid reader, but if I am not careful, I'll spend too much time on social media and that seriously cuts into my reading time. So having a goal to read 100 books will keep me accountable to read even more often. There are specific authors I really want to get to, keep meaning to get to, etc., so my plan is to be much more strategic and really plan. I think I'll start a list of specific authors and/ or books for 2022 on another post. 

7. Keep a prayer journal- 

I am in the habit of being led to pray about something or deciding to pray about something or saying that I'll pray about something, praying once or twice, and then forgetting about the issue or request for several days or even weeks! So I plan to make a written list and pray for those things and then record resolutions or progress. 

8. Care for my people- 

Even though my Facebook friends list is over 1,000, there are really only about 150 people who I have a relationship with in real life. And I am close to only a fraction of those. To ensure that I am not distracted by social media and I am actually focusing on the real people in my real life, I plan to prayerfully compile a list of those people the Lord has lead into my life, those in my sphere of influence at church or co-op or small groups, those Lord wants me to focus on and care for. I plan to make special efforts to pray for these people, reach out to them more often, send them cards or gifts, etc. 

9. Read my Bible first- 

I am usually reading a book as I fall asleep at night. When I wake up, I just want to start reading that book again where I left off. But when I do this, I have found that I read for so long that I skip my Bible reading entirely. I simply need to make it habit to read my Bible and pray before I allow myself to read anything else. 

10. Follow Fly Lady- 

I am very diligent about my daily cleaning routines and my house stays clutter free and clean. But I am not strategic about some of the more random chores like cleaning out toilets or washing sheets or dusting or donating, etc. So I'd like to try to stay in the zone with Fly Lady and get to those spaces and tasks in my house that often go neglected for too long because they are not on my daily routine. 

Like I said, my goals are very basic this year.  

But I know the Lord will be pleased with efforts to be faithful in the small things. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas 2021

It was an icy, rainy morning, but we stayed warm under blankets and in front of the fire until breakfast. 

Homemade cinnamon rolls and our final Advent readings before presents

Stockings first

Personalized wax seals

Then came the bigger gifts

The two oldest got Harry Potter swag- Our kids take the sorting test when they enter Challenge (so the youngest hasn't done it yet, but she's looking forward to it)

I made this cross stitch for Dwayne's office many, many years ago. It went in a store bought frame. That frame broke a few years later and it was an awkward size, so I could not find a replacement and having a custom frame made was out of our budget. So the cross stitch sat in a drawer for years. But this year, I snuck it out and splurged and surprised Dwayne with his old gift in a new frame. (He thought it had been misplaced, lost, etc. He cried.)

I got the girls full-sized aprons. They had out grown the child-sized aprons they've had for years. 

The youngest never stops drawing (and asking for paper to draw on.) So she got sketch pads. 

The middle loves cross stitching, so she asked for more fabric and frames. The frame she is holding belonged to my sister first. She gave it to me almost twenty years ago now. I don't cross stitch much now, so I know my sister will be thrilled that I am giving it to one of her nieces.  

The oldest asked for a keyboard that will allow her to more easily compose and record music on her computer. She also asked for a better mic to narrate the stories that go with her illustrations. 

Stoopwaffles were one gift

I purchased myself a Lego Gingerbread house to put together. We started to work on that in the afternoon. 

The youngest with her new plush sloth and blanket

Dwayne's company generously gifts us a ham and other delights each December, so we made the ham, homemade mac and cheese, Brussel sprouts, and pineapple casserole for dinner. 

We enjoyed our new gifts until it was time for bed. 

We're most thankful for the gift of God's Spirit with us today and everyday, made possible because Jesus Christ our Lord, Emmanuel. 


Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve 2021

On Christmas Eve, we worked together to make batches of no-bake coco cookies and Rolo turtle candies after breakfast. 

We attended a Christmas Eve service at our church that afternoon. 

We enjoyed Several hours of relaxing reading.

Late in the afternoon, we packaged up the cookies and candies for our neighbors.
Then the girls got their their shoes and coats on so they could take the gifts over, but the door bell rang! Our neighbors were already at the door with gifts for us! 

We all shared a laugh and exchanged gifts right on our doorstep. Our neighbors are such a blessing! 

After dinner, we did our Advent readings. 

We've had the same Advent traditions since our oldest was a baby. Here's a picture of her toddling towards the tree to hang one of the Advent ornaments. 

For fun, she restaged the same photo below. 

We have another tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve- new pajamas! Dwayne and I made the dough for homemade cinnamon rolls in the morning. 

Then we all went to bed with our books, reading until we nodded off to awake to the best morning of the year! 

Disproportionate Joys

In our old house, I had started to keep (or tried to keep alive) a moss garden in a plastic lid. We’d collect mosses on hikes. I got the idea from Lewis. Only God knows the disproportionate joys I got from that little lid of mosses. Then we moved here to the woods and we blew away the leaves for the first time and Behold! I get to live inside Warren’s biscuit tin every single day! The joy never ceases to surprise me.

The Silmarillion


I was on my second reading of The Silmarillion and I was still confused about all the proper nouns. Tolkien gave the same person many names and the names often sound alike. So I started over again, reading it a third time, but this time I took pen in hand and I started making notes in order to keep all the names straight. Now the notes are turning into doodles! But this makes the story easier to follow and the characters, places, etc. easier to track. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Homeric Moments

I finished Homeric Moments by Eva Brann. 

I read it because Eva Brann is brilliant and witty in interviews I have seen, and I am directing Challenge 4 this year and we are reading The Odyssey right now.  

I came away with a few interesting or humorous anecdotes, but nevertheless, it was not my favorite book. 

By way of explanation, this is the third book I've read of this sort- where someone brilliant writes down their thoughts about a book.

And I haven't enjoyed any book of this genre. 

But I'll probably keep reading books about books like this one, because I can't help myself. 

I'm a reader and it's far too tempting to hear what brilliant people have to say about things that I love like the epics. 

But the facts remain- I'd rather read the actual book than read a book about it or I'd rather listen to someone talk about a book any day. 

Arcus and Adele

Our pet sun conure, Arcus, loves our youngest daughter best of all.
Here are a collection of images of the two together. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Monday, December 20, 2021

Flower Pot Ornaments

We visited a homeschooling friend and her kids at their home over the Christmas break. She generously provided supplies for a craft for us to complete while there- Flower Pot Ornaments! 

We painted the miniature pots with various scenes, then threaded ribbons and bells through the holes in the bottoms, then tied knots and made them into ornament. The bells can be inside the ornament, making it into a bell, or outside, depending on your preference. 

A nativity

A winter landscape

A house

An elf's hat

A Hobbit house

A candy cane garden

How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth

 Into two crock pots, I put zucchini, carrots, onions, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, whole garlic cloves (and cilantro steams, because I ha...