Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Challenge 3 Update

I'm directing Challenge 3 this year.  So I want to post some photos to mark this particular season (and struggle.)

The students are working through various levels of high school algebra or pre-cal. They bring problems to discuss and we usually explore some lofty ideas and/ or basic laws, principles, or formulas. 

Last semester, we studied music theory. This semester, we are studying philosophy. 

We have some deep, lively, humorous conversations as we explore several main philosopher and his ideas. 

We are translating Cicero in Latin and learning about ancient Roman history and rhetoric as a result, naturally. 

The older kids are gracious to the younger kids in our homeschool community. This is one of the things I still find remarkable about homeschooled kids.  They don't seem to be conscious or concerned about age and grade levels. 

Students are composing and sharing original poetry and reading and writing about Shakespeare. We discuss, debate, celebrate their ideas. 

The students have to memorize and deliver portions of Shakespeare's plays.  We often read and act out portions of the play as a class, too.  

We are also studying Chemistry and US History, so it's a challenging academic year, especially since I have never taught this level before.  

My oldest daughter is one of my four students and it is really rewarding to journey with her and just continue our conversations over the subjects throughout the week and then into community time. 

Being a Challenge tutor is an exhilarating, frustrating, amazing, exhausting experience.  All the meaningful learning and change I desire for my students is really God's work when all is said and done and I depend on Him. Most of the work happens at home as the students are learning under their parents.  But I wrestle for them in prayer and I prepare and I trust that God is going to use me in my place. 

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