Sunday, May 17, 2020

Flannel Board

I've been using spare moments to cut out my flannel board pieces- for years.

Recently, while we watch church during quarantine, I've been getting a lot more done.

I finally finished cutting all the pieces I have today while watching church, so we took the time to put the pieces in their places and then put each sheet neatly into the storage box.

My plan is to read a Bible story and let the girls narrate it back to me.

The little ones can choose the right pieces and retell it to us using the flannel board.

I want my children to know all (or most) of the Bible stories.

They hear some stories in church, of course.

They know about David, but I am not sure they know much about Samuel or Saul.

So if I want my kids to have a broader and deeper knowledge of Scripture, it falls to me to take action.

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