Sunday, December 25, 2016

More Exploring, More Curiosity

If it's sunny and anywhere over forty degrees, we usually end up on a nature walk.

We noticed these bright red berries today.  We didn't see any berries yesterday, though we were on the same path, looking at the same vine.  This confirms to me that it's good to come to the same trails again and again even if you think you've seen it all.  What is this vine is called?

The girls discovered magnificent ice cycles forming on the surface of puddles.  The girls took off their gloves, scooped them up gently, and held them up to admire the designs. But only very briefly, because the heat from our fingers made them melt fast. How does ice form on the surface of water?

These interesting seed pods looked somewhat like miniature thistles to me. I went to touch one and this many of them ended up on my glove. So, naturally, I went to pull them right off, but they just kept ahold. They only broke off in pieces, exploding tiny seeds all over my gloves. Now I wonder what these tenacious little things are called.


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