Saturday, December 24, 2016

Exploring Putnam Park

We took the short drive to the other side of Putnam Park and took a walk over there.

In the photo above, you can see the two rows of stones piles that go on for a hundred yards or more. Each pile represents where a hearth of a soldiers' barrack once stood.

This hearth is standing where a captain's quarters used to be.  Avril made us all laugh when she stood inside the fireplace and yelled, "Diagon Alley!"  (Harry Potter fans will get it.)

We marveled at all the massive rocks and moss. The rock formation above is said to have a cave. But since it is a tad icy, we decided not to climb and explore for it.

This rock looks precarious from this angle, but the other side is massive and quite flat, so it isn't going anywhere.  We keep an eye out quartz crystals forming on the surface of the rocks. This one was the largest we've seen so far, bigger than a quarter.

We have so many questions! All the time spent in nature is making us interested in many new things. We'd like to learn how to:

better identify rocks and crystals, trees, plants, and various berries.
how to make an outdoor hearth.
how to build an outdoor oven.

And we definitely want to know more and more about the history of this particular area!

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