Monday, September 22, 2014

A Productive Weekend

We had a very productive and restful weekend for which I am thankful. We needed it! 

After teaching Bodypump on Saturday morning, I came home and weeded my flower beds while my husband mowed the lawns and covered the garden with black fabric for the winter. He also cleaned and prepped our garage for winter, moving the snow blowers, shovels, etc. to the front and the lawn mowers, weed whackers, etc. to the back.

The girls and I also did a lot of needed cleaning and organizing inside as well.  It's amazing how much easier everything in life is when one has a well ordered house. 

We ate all our meals together around the table on Saturday so we had a lot of quality time together and in the evening, after dinner, we built our first fire of the season. The wood we were burning was all natural, so we made Smores inside, something we do as an exceptional treat.

Note: We make the girls take them to the kitchen and eat them around the table.  No way they are eating Smores anywhere near the couches!

By the end of the day Saturday, my ankle was killing me.  It's been sore early in the morning and late a night and with all the extra exercise, I taught twice as many classes as usual last week, it was really throbbing.  I put some Panaway on it and wrapped it and went to bed.   

On Sunday, I wanted to rest my ankle to see whether or not it would improve, so we stayed home from church. We all read a lot and relaxed.  I finished the first Harry Potter book, The Sorcerer's Stone, and C.S. Lewis' A Grief Observed.  Perhaps that's a strange contrast in book choices, but I think all the heady non-fiction of Lewis has improved my appreciation for mere, enjoyable fiction like Potter.

Now, Monday morning, I feel refreshed and my ankle has greatly improved.  I was considering going to the doctor, but I think rest may have been all that was required.  Now I am looking forward to a week full of meaningful work followed by times of rest.  By the grace of God, both work and rest can be equally enjoyable, I find.  

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