Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Shopping From the Storage Room

It's springtime, so we went shopping in our storage room this week. We pulled out the Tupperwares that were labeled 10+, 5T and 2T and the girls tried on shorts, shirts, sundresses, and seasonal pajamas. Those items that fit got folded up and taken to their drawers.  Since then, I've been taking their winter clothes and pajamas out of their drawers and/ or out of the dryer (if they had been worn and put in the laundry) and I've been putting them in a large, empty Tupperware downstairs to be sorted later.

My kids love hand-me-downs and they especially love the days when we bring out the Tupperwares and try on their clothes for each other.  You can see my middle daughter posing in an old dress in the picture above.  My oldest daughter was actually whining because she didn't have a pile of old dresses like her sisters, because she has to go get new clothes.  Naturally, the oldest always has the least amount of clothes since we haven't been accumulating items in that size for years.

As it is, we have to buy our oldest daughter some shorts and at least a few nicer outfits for church, but other than that, we are basically done with our shopping for the coming season! And we didn't even have to go shopping!  If you are interested in how I organize and store our old clothes so I can use them again and again without having to search for the right sizes and dig through piles and piles, check out my lengthy post about it here

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