Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We're trying to get back into the swing of things with home school, so Norah has been doing just the basics everyday: Reading (Sonlight's Readers 4-5), Writing (Zaner-Bloser 2C) and Arithmetic (Math-U-See's Beta). But we are getting so far ahead in those three subjects at this point, I think we'll take another three subjects like Spelling, Science and History and do those for a week or two, till we can get back to the point where we can do every subject in one day again. 

Norah always begs to do reading first, but we save it till the end because Norah will often get so into a book she won't want to stop after just one chapter.  Like yesterday with Henry and Ribsy, she read the entire book in only a few hours. So she started the new book (and may well finish), Encyclopedia Brown, today. 

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How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth

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