Monday, May 7, 2012

I've done a few hours worth of labor in the vegetable garden over the last few days, running outside as soon as the baby is fed or sleeping to do a little more here and there.  I've tilled up the ground, added topsoil and compost, and planted a row of peas under the trellis you see in the photo above. And in that pot you can barely see behind the bag of soil, I mixed up the right proportions of sand and soil and planted carrot seeds.

As I've been working (and spending money on the garden), I've been confronting doubts about my ability to pull it all off. I've entertained fears that I might be doing all this for no reason because something might go wrong and I might not get a harvest after all.

But on my bed last night, as I was drifting in and out of sleep, a verse of Scripture came to my mind, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -Galatians 6:9 All at once, that Scripture made more sense to me than ever before and I woke up just long enough to realize that it takes something like faith to work and plant and wait in hopes to reap a harvest later on.

And I didn't take the verse as a promise that my peas and carrots will come out fine, but I was encouraged by it. I decided that I'll keep working in hopes of having a harvest later this summer and before I fell back to sleep, I said a silent prayer of thanks to God, acknowledging that even as I lay on my bed at night, He instructs me. -Psalm 16:7

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