Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Better late than never, right? I gave this gingerbread kit to the girls in their Christmas stocking but we just got around to doing it today (meaning that I just now got around to talking myself into letting the girls make a hug mess while I sit by and just watch and smile through the pain and bite my knuckles till it's all over.) I think this must make me a horrible mom, but this kind of thing is painful for me. I dislike crafts, especially messy, sticky ones. But the girls had fun and they don't seem to resent the fact that I was so slow about making this happen, thankfully.

1 comment:

David or Linda said...

Well, I'm really far away AND I didn't have to clean the kitchen after, but from where I sit it looks really awesome! Besides, EVERYONE was doing gingerbread houses back then. It was So Cliche'. Now it's trendy!

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