Friday, December 23, 2011

I made this nightgown for Avril today. As you can see, she loves it! As simple as the ruffled sleeves look, it took a surprising amount of concentration and effort for me to learn how to do them. I had to use bias tape to make a casing for the elastic inside the sleeve and then once I put the elastic through the casing, I had to learn how to hand sew a slip-stitch (hidden seam) in the bias tape to close it up and then learn how to do a finishing stitch to end the slip-stitching. These little stitches in the bias tape (or casing) were on such a small scale that they just couldn't be done with a sewing machine... they needed to be done by hand. I had no idea how much hand-sewing a very simple dress like this requires, but it's a lot! Some of the more complicated patterns require even more hand-sewing, so I am glad to be getting a feel for it.

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