Thursday, August 18, 2011

I've finished the rough draft of what I am calling my "history library list." At this point, I am going back and trying to make it look perfect before I print it and put it in the front of my history folder.

The Story of the World's Activity Guide recommends hundreds of books to go along with all the chapters in The Story of the World, but my library doesn't have every single title. My "history library list" is a list of the recommended books that my particular library has on its shelves. This way, I will only go looking for the books that I know my library has and I save myself serious time and headache.

Here's a peek at what the final list looks like so far. Note: The books I own have an asterisk next to them so I will know I should look for them on my book shelves at home. And to make it even more complicated, I also added a few titles that weren't on the recommended list but that my library had in stock and that looked good to me.

History Library List

(Completed August 2011)

Chapter 10: The Far East, Ancient China-

Cloud Weavers: Ancient Chinese Legends by Rena Krasno

The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient China by Leonard Everett Fisher

*The Story of Ping by Majorie Flack

Chapter 11: Ancient Africa-

Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti and Zomo the Rabbit: A Trickster from West by Gerald McDermott

Anansi and the Magic Stick by Eric Kimmel

Chapter 12: The Middle Kingdom of Egypt-

*Life in Ancient Egypt Coloring Book by John Green

Chapter 13: The New Kingdom of Egypt-

*Pharaohs and Pyramids (Usborne Time Traveler) by Tony Allan and Philippa Wingate

Hatsheputset: The Princess Who Became King

Look What Came From Egypt by Miles Harvey

Tutankhamen's Gift by Robert Sabuda

Tut, Tut by Jon Scieszka

Chapter 14: The Israelites Leave Egypt-

*Eyewitness: Bible Lands by Brian Wildsmith

Exodus by Brian Wildsmith

The Moses Basket by Jenny Koralek

I've got several chapters to go before this final list is final.

After I perfect this "history library list," I'll go on to finalize my "history project list" that will tell me at a glance what project I am doing with each history chapter next year and what materials I will need to grab for those.

1 comment:

Shifra said...

Very impressive! I wish I was so organized!

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