In some cases, I depend on my blog to tell me what I planned for home school and this is one such case. I had forgotten which books I wanted to read aloud to the kids this year! I couldn't find the list anywhere! So when I went to my shelf to find our next read aloud, I didn't know for sure if a book was there for me to read to Norah or for Norah to read to herself later.
But then I did a quick search through my blog archives and found the list below. I posted it back in the summer when I was just making plans for this school year. I made some changes to the list since I've finished reading some of the books already. But here's the updated list.
Read Alouds for 2012
I am currently reading:
The Family Under the Bridge
I plan to read or listen to as many of these as possible:
Homer Price
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
The Box Car Children
The Door in the Wall
The Year of Miss Agnes
The Wheel on the School
Twenty One Balloons
Ginger Pye
The Little Riders
Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By The Shores of Silver Lake
We've already finished reading or listening to:
Sarah Plain and Tall
Mr. Popper's Penguins
A Cricket in Times Square
Note: I have come to realize that I am not the most disciplined reader and I don't really enjoy reading out loud. But when a professional tells the story on an audio recording, we all get to just sit and enjoy the book. So, when I can find an audio recording of any of these books, I plan to buy or borrow and use it instead of reading the book myself, even if I already have a printed copy of the book. Right now, I am having to read "The Family Under the Bridge" myself because I could only find the book on cassette tape and I didn't want to spend money on such outdated technology.
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