Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"But as the Ark of the Lord entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she was filled with contempt for him."

I read this today and wondered if Michal looked at David like some fundamental Christians look at Charismatics.

I was also challenged by a portion of David's reply to Michal when she mocked him:

"Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes!"

I had to admit that I am not sure I am willing to respond to God in worship to the extent that I am humiliated with myself when I look back on the occasion. In fact, I barely have enough courage to raise my hands in worship for fear that I will look foolish to anyone who sees me.

This brings a memory to mind. I was in church and this song was sang near the very beginning of the service. A man, so moved by the Holy Spirit upon hearing the words, "There is a fountain who is a king!" ran to the altar, collapsed there in complete surrender to God and there he stayed and wept and sang and worshiped until the song was over. But, when he got up and saw the rest of the congregation still in their chairs, stiff and visibly offended by the liberties he had taken, he got embarrassed by himself and skulked back to his seat in humility and shame.

It was not uncommon near the end of a church service for people to move to the altar and bow there before God and even cry... a little, but what that man did was totally unanticipated and he made everyone else very uncomfortable. Yet, what he did was also very appropriate in light of what David did in the passage I read today and when I consider the response God deserves from me in worship because of all He is and does.

I'm not sure I can worship God the way He deserves to be worshiped... yet, but I am beginning to want to.

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