For my family's sake, I have posted several pictures and comments about Norah's new-to-her bedroom set that we purchased off Craigslist this last weekend.
The back story is: I have been checking Craigslist for weeks, looking for computer desks and shelves to go with the white daybed that Norah already had. But, we also needed a new twin mattress... so I was keeping my eyes out for that, too. That's how I came upon the ad for this bedroom set.
The back, back story is: A very nice couple in a huge, immaculate home about thirty minutes away has a grown daughter who used the furniture originally. She has gone away to grad school. The lady has a lot of clothes and shoes and is clearing out her daughter's room (that shares a wall with her master bedroom) to have the bedroom converted into a very large walk in closet...
Needless to say, I felt very comfortable taking this particular family's used goods. It was clear that they were even cleaner people than we are! But, I still washed everything with bleach and wiped everything down. I love the fact that it is used furniture so I am not so uptight about Norah scratching it, yet it is also in great shape and it so solid that it will just last and last and last.
So, that's how we got this twin pillow top mattress, box spring, bed frame and the several pieces of white, handmade, solid wood furniture for just $250. The couple also just gave us the risers for under-the-bed storage, a very thick pillow top mattress cover (one so nice that I could never be able to afford it for myself), an extra long bed skirt and an extra thick white sheet set... I was thrilled with all this because I knew they were things I would want to buy in the next few weeks and months anyway.
And, as you can also see, everything fits into Norah's room like a glove! I really couldn't have even ordered furniture that was more perfect for the space or more suited to my very practical, very plain taste!
Here you can see the chalkboard my brother got Norah several months ago... It's just propped up on Norah's desk for now, but it used to hang on the wall where that short shelf is now. I think I will have to hang this somewhere else in the house, low enough on another wall for the baby to use. Note: Avril loved to sneaking into Norah's room to play with the chalk, so Avril may really like to have this chalkboard on a wall in her room now... We will see.
Norah is asking for cork squares on her walls so she can hang her artwork. We also have some empty white picture frames that she can fill with pictures. And, I am planning on making or buying curtains for Norah's windows in the next few weeks. We already have the curtain rods from way back when this was the guest room and Norah was across the hall in the nursery, so all I need to do is decided on them (with Norah's approval, of course) and then get them hung!
Below you can see part of the new bed skirt. It's got a beautiful embroidered pattern on it. If I had picked a bed skirt out brand new from the store, I wouldn't have changed a thing about this one. It's just what I would have looked for. I know it's "little," but these few, free items add up to significant savings for me.
This is the wall where Norah's old daybed used to sit. It had drawers underneath it for Norah's clothes and it was the only piece of furniture Norah even needed for the longest time... But, more and more lately Norah has been asking for shelves for her books and we have been wishing she had her own desk and computer to use in her room (and out of our hair) and she has really, really needed a lamp by her bed to read by, etc. So... it was time to make the changes that we did.
In the picture below, you can see out Norah's door and down the hall into Avril's bedroom with the bright yellow walls. We moved Norah's old bed into the baby's room (and you can even see the girls climbing on it in the photo.) Avril is still in the crib that is also still in her room, but now Norah's old bed will be in her room, too, waiting for the time when Avril will grow out of the crib and into it just like Norah did.
A view of how the furniture fits right around Norah's closet door. Nothing's too small or too big.
We let Norah stay up late to read by lamp light. This old lamp used to be in the guest room downstairs. Dwayne and I got it about ten years ago when we were setting up house after we got married. Norah was just thrilled to finally have a lamp. I may get her another, more girlie one and take this one back to the guest room... but until then, this one is doing the job fine.
I walked out of her room for a few minutes and came back to see that she had already put one of her favorite stuffed horses (that the neighbors bought her while they went on vacation) and her clay tablet with her name on it in cuneiform on her desk to decorate it.
She really was ready for this kind of individual space to keep up and to take pride in. But, we didn't rush anything, we waited on God and found that the perfect furniture was provided for in the perfect time. The Lord is good.