Saturday, October 2, 2010

Norah had her first Lego Club meeting yesterday. There were around thirty kids in the group and each kid has a huge Ziplock bag with their name on it and their own set of Brickmaster Pirates inside. They sit together at tables, follow the instruction books that come in their bags and build a few different projects each meeting, so that, by the end of the year, they have worked through the entire book.

Norah sat next to a little boy who she is already friends with. His parents are our friends, too. They actually live right down the street from us now and came to Norah's birthday a few days ago. He's older than her by a year or two, so he helped her find pieces she needed and they chatted and laughed while they worked.

Avril stayed busy climbing up and down and up and down again on the folding chairs, toddling around dropping Cheerios from her Snack Trap everywhere and crawling under the tables. The club also provides a set of "baby Legos" for the younger kids and Avril played with some of those.

Each club meeting starts with "Show and Tell." Some of the kids who came to the club last year, including Norah's friend, already knew about it, so they brought in projects to show off and tell their friends about yesterday. I think I will encourage and remind Norah to put something together for the next meeting. I know she will really enjoy that.

Legos are awesome!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Legos are awesome! I'm so glad ya'll could join us this year!

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