The smaller cow rays like the two in the picture below would stick their fins out of the water and slap them against the wall of the pool, splashing the people standing around. One ray seemed to hold his fin up toward me deliberately, so I put two fingers on his back to pet him but then on impulse I pushed down a little harder and drew a line from the center of his back to the tip of his fin... As I got toward the end, his fin curled up like the gesture was so ticklish he could hardly stand it. When I finished "tickling" him, he splashed me!
The stingrays behaved just like puppy dogs. They were very aware of us and eager to communicate. They "ran" up to our feet and sucked on our ankles and legs, seeking our attention (or maybe the shrimp we were holding). This leopard ray seemed to have a sense of humor and enjoyed getting as close to me as his big body would allow, just like an old, friendly dog. At one point, my foot was almost right under his (very large) mouth!
Wow! That place looks awesome!
You are a very brave woman Aunt V to ACTUALLY go into the pool with those rays. lol. I'd never do that!!! Looks like y'all had fun! Luv you!!!
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