Saturday, July 24, 2010

If I find something that I like online, I usually bookmark the page so I can go back to it easily. But, sometimes I forget the bookmark is even there. Weeks or months later, when I open my bookmarks folder, I am always pleasantly surprised.

As of today, here's a list of what I have bookmarked. I thought you all may like some of this stuff, too.

A free online home school curriculum

Free audio downloads of classic books like Alice in Wonderland and Treasure Island, etc.

A free online library with other classic titles like Peter Pan and Emma, etc.

This website has tons of science experiments to try.

I'd like Norah to do this program. It's local and supposed to be top-notch, but I am not sure I want her making friends with "tree-huggers." (I wish you could hear my laughter. I am totally kidding, of course).

I'd like to make matching dresses like this for the girls one warm-enough holiday, maybe next Easter or more likely... next July 4th.

A great explanation of the workbox system. This works for alot of homeschooling moms, especially those who have several kids to coordinate at once.

Great website for art projects to do with kids.

I want to read this book to Norah. I don't remember the details of the story, but I think my mom read it to us when we were kids and I think I remember loving it.

I want buy one of these kits next spring/ summer. It's too hard to find caterpillars in the wild and even when we do, the ones we find end up turning into ugly moths, not beautiful butterflies.

You can use this program to record your voice digitally on your computer and then make a CD.

I am going to buy this book.

I need to decide what kind of time line or book of time I am going use for next year. I'm still trying to figure out what will work best for us.

This website has free clipart of scenes in history that many homeschoolers print and use on their time lines.

The full text of Anna Botsford Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study.

Beautiful samples of nature journals.

Christmas after Christmas I keep meaning to make and decorate gingerbread men with Norah, but I always forget.

I thought I'd try to make these potatoes.

Can I make a public confession? I don't know how to make potato salad. I know it's appalling and for a woman my age!!! Gasp! I consider myself a great cook (Am I allowed to consider myself a great anything?) I mean, if you ask my husband why he loves me, "You're a great cook" is one of his top five reasons, but I still haven't learned how to make potato salad. Or, I should say, I haven't found a recipe to call my very own.

Fresh lemonade?! Yeah right! I think I had time to do this once. Just pass over the County Time mix, please.

I want to make/cook these with Norah.

You can save oh so much money on groceries by buying and roasting a whole chicken.

You can also make your own chicken stock. But please note that I never use the chickens that I roast myself to make stock. I tried using them a few times and the stock I came up with wasn't very flavorful and it was too, too, too fatty. Yes, I know stock is supposed to be fatty... but just trust me, this stock actually had too much fat. I only use the grocery stores' rotisserie chickens that I buy already roasted to make my own stock. Those chickens produce a much darker, rich flavorful broth... much more like the broth you buy in cans, only better.

This chart tells you how long your condiments will keep.

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How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth

 Into two crock pots, I put zucchini, carrots, onions, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, whole garlic cloves (and cilantro steams, because I ha...