Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dwayne had to travel to Pennsylvania for work a few weeks ago. Because of my work schedule, I couldn't tag along this time. He stopped at Shady Maple for a business dinner. It's one of our favorite places to eat, so I was sad to have missed it. But, he brought me back several jars of my favorite apple butter. It's the best apple butter on the planet. Period. I didn't even like apple butter till I tasted it from Shady Maple. It was so good of him to think of me. Don't you think? Anytime I see this apple butter, I hear the tune, "What a man! What a man! What a man! What a mighty good man!" in my head. I have several of these unfortunate melodies stored in my subconscious, left over from my middle school days. But, nonetheless, he is a mighty good man. "Yes he is! Whoop!"

1 comment:

Loretta Evans said...

"Say it again, now!"

How to Make Homemade Vegetable Broth

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