Monday, April 20, 2009

We had a great time outside yesterday. The weather was beautiful. While Dwayne and his dad cleaned out the garage, Norah drew on the front walk with her chalk. In an effort to protect her clothes, I gave her an apron, but you can see from one of the pictures below that she still wiped her hands on her bum.

I also hid plastic Easter eggs in the yard, flower beds and vegetable garden for Norah to find. Dwayne's mom helped her locate the not-so-obvious ones by hinting, "You're getting warm... warmer... hot!"

All of a sudden, Norah looks huge to us. And, all at once, I've found that I don't fret about her like I did before Avril was born. She started coughing on an apple skin the other day, something that would have caused my heart to race and would have made me jump out of my seat just a few weeks ago. I barely noticed. And, then, I noticed that I barely noticed and realized: she's not my baby anymore. She's my big girl now.

Avril spent most of the afternoon fast asleep in her baby sling tight against my chest, getting some of the gentle sunlight and spring breezes on her sweet little face.

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