Monday, March 30, 2009

I gave birth to our new little girl, Avril Marie Boulden, on Saturday night. She was 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 1/3 inches long. My water broke at 6pm, while we were at the mall. We made a quick exit, as you'd guess, got home, got our bags and got to the hospital by 7pm. Avril was born at 11:32pm. A good friend came to meet us at the hospital and kept Norah busy and distracted. She wasn't in the delivery room for the worst of it, but Norah was able to come right in and meet her sister as soon as she was born. This may be my last new post for a while, but feel free to keep looking in because I set a few weeks of material to post in my absence.

A photo of the action.

Avril Marie Boulden.

It was all very gross to Norah.

Our new family picture.
(No one else is looking at the camera, but I like myself best in this shot.)

Mommy and baby.

Close up.

My beloved ones.

We are all so tired.


Cricket said...

How sweet, congrats on your new little one :o) I have my second coming in August. Good luck, looking forward to new posts :o)

gina said...


Going from to 3 to 4- made us seem like much more of a "family" - my baby had a sibling. :)

Get some rest!

Veronica Boulden said...

Thanks Cricket. And, I feel that way, too, Gina.

carrie said...


Loretta Evans said...

I love her so much already! You look great by the way. Dad is getting better with her name. He called her Anvil the other day. Closer! Love you all! mom used to say... said...

I was just looking back at these pictures and I took a close up of the family pic. Dwayne looks EXHAUSTED!! LOL! What a good man!

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