Friday, January 9, 2009

A is for Avril

This is the latest ultrasound of our baby girl due in March. She's looking right at us! We've named her Avril. Our daughter Norah was named several months before she was born, too. Deciding on and using our babies' names while our children are still in the womb has always felt so much more natural to us.


Blessedw5mom said...

Ahhh ... a precious picture! Only one of our was named while still in the womb, but it was a very special time to me. she is our sweet Mary, now 7 months old.

gina said...

How exciting and great names! Norah is one of my daughters' friend's name. Avril is so unique!

Veronica Boulden said...

Thanks! My husband has the most say about names. With both daughters, I've had other names that, for me, were high up in the running, but both times, he is the one who has made the final pick. He just seems to feel really strongly about it, so I don't fuss. And, I always end up agreeing with his choice anyway! To own the truth, he got the ideas for Norah and Avril from singers' names. Not that we are naming the girls after those "stars" or will expect our girls to model themselves after them or anything, but we just feel free to pick names we really LIKE. I think our girls will define what their names really mean to the people who know them in the years to come. :) Thanks again! We can't wait to meet our little Avril and post a picture that is less blurry!

Susan {LilbearMe} said...

What a perfect "A" entry! Beautiful baby and name! I've always loved ultrasound pix. Getting to see our precious kids before they arrive is such a blessing!
God bless!

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