There were a few things we couldn't do, like ride the huge water slides or go into the hot tub, since Norah's so little and I'm so pregnant. But, we kept busy with what we could do. In the photos above, you can see part of the big tree house, Norah going into the pool, splashing down one of the slides and sitting on the bottom of the littlest yellow slides.
Norah said her favorite part was the lazy river, but she spent most of her time climbing around the big tree house, spraying people and going down the water slides. At their food court, we had Pizza Hut for lunch and later, shared an ice cream from their A&W. It was a good day, but I think we both could use a nap before dinner tonight. Otherwise, neither of us may make it through the rest of the day.
On a side note, while we are driving here and there in our Jeep, Norah usually plays with a travel sized Doodle Pro. She writes words and sentences on it (with my help spelling). Last night, after I told her we'd be going to the water park today, she asked the sweetest thing:
"Mom!? How do you spell, 'Thanks, Mommy, for taking me to Coco Key?'"
Huh, I never "meet" bloggers close to me but it seems we are about an hour and a half away - I am over the border in MA.
Wow it looks so fun! Christopher always comments on the water slides as we drive by Coco Key on the way to Costco. Monday prices sound like a great deal. We'll have to check it out.
Let us know if you are going... we may be able to meet up, if you want company. Norah wouldn't mind a friend to play with.
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