Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I guess I subconsciously save sewing projects for the winter, because now I am conscious that they're piling up on me. It's a natural thing to do since the sun goes down around four and it's too cold to do much else. The list is ever-growing, but repairing some of these things will make them last at least twice as long.
-Mend the hole along the seam of the collar of my swim suit cover.
-Sew a new button on my maternity coat.
-Mend a hole in one of the seams of my black gloves.
-Secure the button on my house shoes.
-Sew the Velcro strap back onto one of the mats on our kitchen chairs.
-Make a Christmas stocking for our new little girl.
-Mend the lining of Norah's clothes hamper.

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One Room Homeschool

Adele will often go to Avril for help with Latin. She doesn't have to go to her sister. She could come to me. But she likes going to her...