Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The weather was so nice we kept the windows up all day. I turned the music up and it helped me stay motivated and get the wood floors mopped in half the house, something I haven't done in at least six months. I'm not the least bit charismatic during worship services, but I love to sing to the Lord and dance around when I do housework. God reminds me of the things he has taught me through the lyrics of the songs and sometimes, a song will take me back to where I was when I first heard it. I am often overwhelmed because God has been so faithful to walk with me. It has been almost fifteen years since I started following Jesus! What an adventure it has been!

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Catan Tournament

Dwayne and I participated in a Catan Tournament at a local board game store. We both won 2 out of 3 games. We earned $40 dollars that we put...